Sunday, May 25, 2008


Bobs Eye View


Two stories over this Memorial Day weekend caught my eye.  Actually, one caught my eye and the other one caught my stomach.  First the eye.

In Friday's Washington Post (May 23rd), the Inspector General for the Defense Department reported that the Pentagon cannot account for about 15 billion dollars worth of goods and services that were bought from contractors in the Iraq reconstruction effort.  I don't know about you, but I hate when I can't account for fifteen billion dollars.  It can really put a damper on my day.  I just know my wife is not going to be happy, no matter what excuse I come up with.

It seems the Pentagon could not locate the proper documentation, including receipts, vouchers, signatures, invoices or other paperwork.  If my wife has told me once she has told me fifteen billion times, GET RECEIPTS! 


Florida's alligators are on the move (probably looking for cheap gas), and they are hungry.  A hungry alligator, like a hungry Bob, will swallow just about anything, living or dead, according to Debbie Stewart.

Debbie Stewart has been processing dead alligators for skin and meat for 25 years. Coincidentally, in high school I was voted "Most likely to process dead alligators for skin and meat."

Debbie says that inside the reptiles she has come across a plastic toy turtle, a G.I. Joe action figure, golf balls, spark plugs, milk jugs. beer cans, lawn mower parts, and, it goes without saying, lots and lots of antacids.  When I was in college and drinking way too much, I believe I could give any gator a run for the money in the eating department.

Enjoy your Memorial Day barbeque, but be careful chomping down on any lawnmower parts!

See You Tomorrow.


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