Friday, June 27, 2008


Bobs Eye View


The other day I was driving past the Head and Shoulders Dandruff Shampoo Stadium.  As all other Florida drivers do as they drive, I was reading.  I noticed an ad for something called Toppik.  It said it was a miracle in a can.

The ad said you could add hair to your hair.  It didn't say you could add brains to your brain. You apply this stuff by simply shaking it gently over your thinning hair.  The ad goes on to say that in seconds, thousands of tiny color matched hair fibers will intertwine with your own hair.

Magnetized with static electricity, these fibers will bond so securely they will stay in place all day and all night.  Magnetized with static electricity?  Isn't that how "Swiffer" dusters advertise they will help pick up dust off your floor or ceiling fans?

If you use this hair spray, you just might be sucked up by the blades of a ceiling fan and spend the remainder of your days spinning and spinning.  The ad concludes by saying that Toppik will change the way you feel about yourself every time you look in the mirror.  Of course it will. 
You will constantly say to yourself, "Hey, you in the mirror!  Did you really spend $19.95, plus shipping and handling, for a third of an ounce of static electricity?"

See You In A Day Or Two

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