Saturday, June 7, 2008


Bobs Eye View

"My illness is due to my doctor's insistence that I drink milk, a whitish fluid they force down helpless babies."
                - W.C. Fields


Magellanic penguins may be diminutive but they're tough.  They have sleek bodies and sophisticated digestive systems (didn't we all once-upon-a-time?)  

In fact, in a life span of approximately 20 years, astonishingly accurate navigational abilities help these penguins travel more than 100,000 miles.  Not surpsisingly, none of those miles are traveled in Florida.  However, I am confident that were a couple of elderly penguins to come to Florida to retire, they would be able to obtain a Florida driver's license without any difficulty, even though their cute little feet would come nowhere near touching the gas pedal.


English scientists have calculated that 7.7 billion years from now, the sun will expand to 120 times its current size.  My own calculations indicate that if I keep eating pizza and ice cream at my currect rate, this number times the value of pi (apple please), will have me expanding to 120 times my currect size in 7.7 months.


Thus far, there is no word on whether I am on Senator Obama's short list for the vice-presidency.

See You Tomorrow.

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