Saturday, July 26, 2008


Bobs Eye View


I forgot to mention that on the recent return trip from Missouri to New York, we passed the birthplaces of three of our greatest presidents, Ronald Reagan, Herbert Hoover and John Wayne.  However, we were pressed for time, so we did not stop.  Come to think of it, even if we had all the time in the world, we still wouldn't have stopped.

An aside about Herbert Hoover.  When I was just a kid, I listened to a record album (remember those?) of bloopers that my mother had.  A radio news reporter called him Hoobert Heever.  I wonder if that actually was his name, would he not have been our second worst president, badly trailing George Bush for that honor?


Most of you know that I am afraid of flying (crashing actually).  I haven't flown (at least in a plane), since 1990.  The other day I read in the Miami Herald that American Airlines is going to cut 1,300 mechanic and maintenance jobs in order to save money on salaries.  What that means, essentially, is that when you look out of your plane's window, as you sit on the runway preparing for takeoff, and you see an American Airlines mechanic, he (or she) will not really be a mechanic, but just playing one on TV.

See You Soon.

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