Friday, June 6, 2008


Bobs Eye View

"Have you ever noticed that anyone going slower than you is an idiot and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?"
   - George Carlin

Today's blog entry was written at just the right speed.


Today, I am officially throwing my hat into the ring to be Barack Obama's vice-president.
With much encouragement from my neighbors - okay from one neighbor, who happens to think that Thomas Jefferson is still the President, I have sent the senator an e-mail listing my qualifications.  It was a very short e-mail.  I hope to become the first Jewish vice-president with a detached retina.


Physicists have calculated the mass of the Earth at 5,972 Sextillion metric tons, or 5,972 followed by 18 zeros.  And you thought YOU had trouble squeezing into that bathing suit.  The Earth needs to seriously think about having a salad once in a while. I think it's time for 
"Weight Watchers - now available for planets."


A study, done by 6 U.C.L.A. psychologists, demonstrates that men and women use radically different methods for coping with stress.

When stress increases, women are more prone to protect and nurture.  The psychologists have employed the term "tend and befriend" for this response.  The women in my neighborhood definitely protect, as in protecting their groceries when mine get too close to theirs on the check-out line at the supermarket.  I have employed the term for this response to be "mine, or I'll stick it where the sun don't shine."

Men, and I like to include myself in this group, employ the more familiar "fight or flight response," in which the body readies itself for either aggression, or hasty withdrawal (or flight). In my case, since I am afraid to fly, my fight or flight response is more likely to be fight or train, as in AMTRAK.

See You Tomorrow.

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